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A short description

My name is Stacey Stephens. I have worked with horses since I was a little girl and it has always been my passion to do it for a living. My background is primarily with Quarter Horses, but I also share experience in the Thoroughbred industry, in addition to handling Standardbreds, a handful of Arabians, and other mixed breeds. 


My preferred and professional discipline is barrel racing. I am a previous NBHA (National Barrel Horse Association) state championship qualifier, NBHA world championship qualifier, NBHA world championship finalist, and UKRT (University of Kentucky Rodeo Team) participant. I most recently qualified for finals in the 2021 RRP (Retired Racehorse Project) Thoroughbred Makeover and ended in the top 5.


I first started teaching lessons in my spare time to make extra money outside of my full time job. Now I have been given the opportunity to pursue my passion in training horses and teaching lessons full time. 


I currently participate In NBHA and IBRA (International Barrel Horse Association) and have plans to participate in WPRA (Women's Pro Rodeo Association) in the future.

About Me: About Me
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